With increasing water scarcity, we need to think about our #drinkingwater ???? supply.
In this bundled early adaptor project (BEAP), supported by ISPT – Institute for Sustainable Process Technology, we are using the unique facilities of our waterlab to see if we can convert rainwater into water that can be used as process- or drinking water. Lucky for us, our waterlab has direct access to surface water ???? , waste water ???? , rain water ☔ and drinking water ???? and we only need to share it with the nice neighbors of Twente membranes.
Water Innovation Consulting has come up with a unique process (Hemelswater) to convert rainwater into drinking water using a Denutritor and a membrane filtration step. This Denutritor is based on biological conversion of ammonia into nitrates. In collaboration with WiC and Wageningen Food & Biobased Research we are looking into the right support material to facilitate this biological treatment step.
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